

Service-Oriented Measurement Infrastructure

14 years 1 months ago
Service-Oriented Measurement Infrastructure
The importance of software measurement during the software development process is generally accepted, nowadays. Unfortunately, in practice common software measurement tools find small acceptance due to their high costs, inflexible structures, and therewithunclear cost/benefit ratio. On this account this paper introduces a framework creating a measurement infrastructure by means of a service-oriented architecture. For this approach the ISO/IEC 15939 standard has been proved to be meaningful. By using meta-models and ontologies, related services can be categorized and/or classified. Moreover, services can be bound flexibly with the aid of configuration defaults being referenced by the meta-model. Furthermore, we present a web-service based ontology aligned towards object-oriented metrics as an example for a service-oriented infrastructure component. Finally, an analysis about integration aspects presents a way to enhance the infrastructure with new functionality corresponding to the ISO...
Hashem Yazbek, Reiner R. Dumke, Andreas Schmietend
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SERA
Authors Hashem Yazbek, Reiner R. Dumke, Andreas Schmietendorf, Robert Neumann
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