

On Optimal Frequency-Domain Multichannel Linear Filtering for Noise Reduction

14 years 1 months ago
On Optimal Frequency-Domain Multichannel Linear Filtering for Noise Reduction
Abstract—Several contributions have been made so far to develop optimal multichannel linear filtering approaches and show their ability to reduce the acoustic noise. However, there has not been a clear unifying theoretical analysis of their performance in terms of both noise reduction and speech distortion. To fill this gap, we analyze the frequency-domain (non-causal) multichannel linear filtering for noise reduction in this paper. For completeness, we consider the noise reduction constrained optimization problem that leads to the parameterized multichannel non-causal Wiener filter (PMWF). Our contribution is fivefold. First, we formally show that the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) filter is a particular case of the PMWF by properly formulating the constrained optimization problem of noise reduction. Second, we propose new simplified expressions for the PMWF, the MVDR, and the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) that depend on the signals’ statistics only....
Mehrez Souden, Jacob Benesty, Sofiène Affes
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Mehrez Souden, Jacob Benesty, Sofiène Affes
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