

Uncertainty Modeling and Reduction in MANETs

13 years 10 months ago
Uncertainty Modeling and Reduction in MANETs
—Evaluating and quantifying trust stimulates collaboration in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Many existing reputation systems sharply divide the trust value into right or wrong, thus ignoring another core dimension of trust: uncertainty. As uncertainty deeply impacts a node’s anticipation of others’ behavior and decisions during interaction, we include uncertainty in the reputation system. Specifically, we define a new uncertainty model to directly reflect a node’s confidence in the sufficiency of its past experience, and study how the collection of trust information affects uncertainty in nodes’ opinions. After defining a way to reveal and compute the uncertainty in trust opinions, we exploit mobility, one of the important characteristics of MANETs, to efficiently reduce uncertainty and to speed up trust convergence. Two different categories of mobility-assisted uncertainty reduction schemes are provided: the proactive schemes exploit mobile nodes to collect and broadcast ...
Feng Li, Jie Wu
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TMC
Authors Feng Li, Jie Wu
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