

Spherical Demons: Fast Diffeomorphic Landmark-Free Surface Registration

13 years 11 months ago
Spherical Demons: Fast Diffeomorphic Landmark-Free Surface Registration
—We present the Spherical Demons algorithm for registering two spherical images. By exploiting spherical vector spline interpolation theory, we show that a large class of regularizors for the modified Demons objective function can be efficiently approximated on the sphere using iterative smoothing. Based on one parameter subgroups of diffeomorphisms, the resulting registration is diffeomorphic and fast. The Spherical Demons algorithm can also be modified to register a given spherical image to a probabilistic atlas. We demonstrate two variants of the algorithm corresponding to warping the atlas or warping the subject. Registration of a cortical surface mesh to an atlas mesh, both with more than 160k nodes requires less than 5 minutes when warping the atlas and less than 3 minutes when warping the subject on a Xeon 3.2GHz single processor machine. This is comparable to the fastest non-diffeomorphic landmarkfree surface registration algorithms. Furthermore, the accuracy of our method...
B. T. Thomas Yeo, Mert R. Sabuncu, Tom Vercauteren
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TMI
Authors B. T. Thomas Yeo, Mert R. Sabuncu, Tom Vercauteren, Nicholas Ayache, Bruce Fischl, Polina Golland
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