

Demand-aware content distribution on the internet

14 years 1 months ago
Demand-aware content distribution on the internet
—The rapid growth of media content distribution on the Internet in the past few years has brought with it commensurate increases in the costs of distributing that content. Can the content distributor defray these costs through a more innovative approach to distribution? In this paper, we evaluate the benefits of a hybrid system that combines peer-to-peer and a centralized client–server approach against each method acting alone. A key element of our approach is to explicitly model the temporal evolution of demand. In particular, we employ a word-of-mouth demand evolution model due to Bass [2] to represent the evolution of interest in a piece of content. Our analysis is carried out in an order scaling depending on the total potential mass of customers in the market. Using this approach, we study the relative performance of peer-to-peer and centralized client–server schemes, as well as a hybrid of the two—both from the point of view of consumers as well as the content distributor...
Srinivas Shakkottai, Ramesh Johari
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TON
Authors Srinivas Shakkottai, Ramesh Johari
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