

Evaluation of a Sentence Ranker for Text Summarization Based on Roget's Thesaurus

13 years 11 months ago
Evaluation of a Sentence Ranker for Text Summarization Based on Roget's Thesaurus
Abstract. Evaluation is one of the hardest tasks in automatic text summarization. It is perhaps even harder to determine how much a particular component of a summarization system contributes to the success of the whole system. We examine how to evaluate the sentence ranking component using a corpus which has been partially labelled with Summary Content Units. To demonstrate this technique, we apply it to the evaluation of a new sentence-ranking system which uses Roget’s Thesaurus. This corpus provides a quick and nearly automatic method of evaluating the quality of sentence ranking. 1 Motivation and Related Work One of the hardest tasks in Natural Language Processing is text summarization: given a document or a collection of related documents, generate a (much) shorter text which presents only the main points. A summary can be generic – no restrictions other than the required compression – or query-driven, when the summary must answer a few questions or focus on the topic of the ...
Alistair Kennedy, Stan Szpakowicz
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSD
Authors Alistair Kennedy, Stan Szpakowicz
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