

The role of latency in the validity of AR simulation

14 years 19 days ago
The role of latency in the validity of AR simulation
It is extremely challenging to run controlled studies comparing multiple Augmented Reality (AR) systems. We use an AR simulation approach, in which a Virtual Reality (VR) system is used to simulate multiple AR systems. To investigate the validity of this approach, in our first experiment we carefully replicated a well-known study by Ellis et al. using our simulator, obtaining comparable results. We include a discussion on general issues we encountered with replicating a prior study. In our second experiment further exploring the validity of AR simulation, we investigated the effects of simulator latency on the results from experiments conducted in an AR simulator. We found simulator latency to have a significant effect on 3D tracing, however there was no interaction between simulator latency and artificial latency. Based on the results from these two experiments, we conclude that simulator latency is not inconsequential in determining task performance. Simulating visual registratio...
Cha Lee, Scott Bonebrake, Tobias Höllerer, Do
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where VR
Authors Cha Lee, Scott Bonebrake, Tobias Höllerer, Doug A. Bowman
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