

Evaluating Adjacent Channel Interference in IEEE 802.11 Networks

14 years 23 days ago
Evaluating Adjacent Channel Interference in IEEE 802.11 Networks
—The performance of 802.11-based multi-channel wireless mesh networks is affected by the interference due to neighboring nodes operating on same or adjacent channels. In this paper, we have performed extensive measurements on our conducted testbed to evaluate the effects of adjacent channel interference (ACI) in 802.11 networks, under the exposed terminal and hidden terminal scenarios. By varying the path loss and the channel separation distance between two nodes, we investigate the effective attenuation needed in order to completely eliminate the ACI between the two nodes. Using node throughput as a metric, our results confirm that for low path loss between two 802.11 nodes, there still exists interference between the two nodes even though they are operating on non-overlapping channels. Our results also show that we require 37dB – 45dB less attenuation to completely eliminate the ACI between two nodes operating on non-overlapping channels, compared to when both nodes are operating...
Wee Lum Tan, Konstanty Bialkowski, Marius Portmann
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where VTC
Authors Wee Lum Tan, Konstanty Bialkowski, Marius Portmann
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