

An ARQ Mechanism with Rate Control for Two-Hop Relaying Systems

14 years 1 months ago
An ARQ Mechanism with Rate Control for Two-Hop Relaying Systems
— Wireless multi-hop relaying has been attracting considerable attention as a promising technique for future communication systems. The multi-hop relaying technique has many benefits, but many problems must be overcome if it is to be used successfully. One of the biggest is a degradation of system reliability that is caused by data being transmitted through many wireless links. Many automatic repeat request (ARQ) mechanisms have been proposed to improve system reliability. We propose an analytical model of hop-by-hop ARQ mechanisms and analyze performances using a discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) technique. The proposed analytical model considers Poisson packet arrival, packet error rate, and channel capacity in a two-hop chain topology. In addition, we propose a rate control algorithm to compensate the weak point of the hopby-hop ARQ mechanism. We evaluate the performance of the proposed ARQ mechanism with the rate control algorithm by comparing numerical analysis with simulation ...
Soo-Yong Jeon, Dong-Ho Cho
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where VTC
Authors Soo-Yong Jeon, Dong-Ho Cho
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