

Trustworthy Information: Concepts and Mechanisms

14 years 1 months ago
Trustworthy Information: Concepts and Mechanisms
We used to treating information received (from recognized sources) as trustworthy, which is unfortunately not true because of attacks. The situation can get worse with the emerging shift of information sharing paradigm from “need to know” to “need to share.” In order to help information consumers make the “best” decision possible, it is imperative to formulate concepts, models, frameworks, architectures, and mechanisms to facilitate information trustworthiness management in distributed and decentralized environment. In this paper we initiate a this direction by proposing an abstraction called information networks as well as two supporting mechanisms called provenance digital signatures and optimal security hardening of information network.
Shouhuai Xu, Haifeng Qian, Fengying Wang, Zhenxin
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where WAIM
Authors Shouhuai Xu, Haifeng Qian, Fengying Wang, Zhenxin Zhan, Elisa Bertino, Ravi S. Sandhu
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