

Switch-And-Stay Transmit Diversity for Cooperative Decode-And-Forward Systems

14 years 20 days ago
Switch-And-Stay Transmit Diversity for Cooperative Decode-And-Forward Systems
—We consider the application of switch-and-stay transmit diversity (SSTD) to a three-node cooperative diversity system with decode-and-forward relaying. The basic idea of SSTD generally is to use a certain transmit antenna as long as the induced signal quality satisfies a given requirement while the transmitter switches to another antenna element if this is no longer the case. Applying this principle to the source node of a cooperative diversity system is significantly more complex than for conventional single-hop systems since the selected antenna element generally affects both the source-to-relay and the sourceto-destination link. In this regard, we consider three different approaches, namely relay-driven, destination-driven, as well as jointly-driven optimal switching, always targeting at minimizing the outage probability between source and destination. For all cases, we determine exact analytical closed-form expressions for the resulting outage probability assuming Rayleigh-fad...
Andreas Müller, Joachim Speidel
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where WCNC
Authors Andreas Müller, Joachim Speidel
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