

A multiobjective performance evaluation framework for routing in wireless ad hoc networks

14 years 1 months ago
A multiobjective performance evaluation framework for routing in wireless ad hoc networks
—Wireless ad hoc networks are seldom characterized by one single performance metric, yet the current literature lacks a flexible framework to assist in characterizing the design tradeoffs in such networks. The aim of this paper is not to propose another routing strategy. Instead, we address this problem by proposing a new modeling framework for routing in ad hoc networks, which will result in a better understanding of network behavior and performance when multiple criteria are relevant. Our approach is to take a holistic view of the network that captures the cross-interactions among interference management techniques implemented at various layers of the protocol stack. The resulting framework is a complex multiobjective optimization problem that can be solved through existing multiobjective search techniques. In this contribution, we present the Pareto optimal sets for an example sensor network when delay, robustness and energy are considered.
Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Mary R. Schurgot, Cri
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Mary R. Schurgot, Cristina Comaniciu, Jean-Marie Gorce
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