

Visualization of the CreSIS Greenland data sets

14 years 21 days ago
Visualization of the CreSIS Greenland data sets
The Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) has been compiling Greenland ice sheet thickness data since 1993. The airborne program utilizes a 150 MHz radar echo sounder to measure the ice thickness. The data is currently available on the CReSIS web site in various formats including PDF, Matlab, and plain text files. These formats are not readily usable in the classroom environment as a visual representation of the ice depth is not available for each expedition. During the Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean, Marine and Polar Science 2009 program, the Greenland Data Visualization Team took the CReSIS data and created a 4-D visualization consisting of depth, time, latitude, and longitude. This visualization was created utilizing HTML, JavaScript, and PHP. Microsoft Excel was used to filter the raw data downloaded from the CReSIS site. The team then statistically analyzed the Greenland ice sheet thickness data for calculated, missing, and actual depth readings. The goal of...
Shaketia L. McCoy, Michael Austin, Frensha Slaught
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Shaketia L. McCoy, Michael Austin, Frensha Slaughter
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