

NetEx: efficient and cost-effective internet bulk content delivery

14 years 13 days ago
NetEx: efficient and cost-effective internet bulk content delivery
The Internet is witnessing explosive growth in traffic due to bulk content transfers, such as multimedia and software downloads, and online sharing of personal, commercial, and scientific data. Yet bulk data transfers remain very expensive and inefficient. As a result, huge amounts of digital data continue to be delivered outside of the Internet using hard drives, optical media or tapes. Meanwhile, large reserves of spare bandwidth lie unutilized in today's networks, where links are overprovisioned for peak load. We designed NetEx, a bulk transfer system that opportunistically exploits the excess capacities of network links to deliver bulk content cheaply and efficiently. Our results based on data from both a commercial tier-1 ISP and the Abilene network suggest that NetEx can considerably increase the capacity of the network, and at the same time it can provide good average performance to bulk transfers. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.3 [Computer-Communication Networks]:...
Massimiliano Marcon, Nuno Santos, P. Krishna Gumma
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ANCS
Authors Massimiliano Marcon, Nuno Santos, P. Krishna Gummadi, Nikolaos Laoutaris, Pablo Rodriguez, Amin Vahdat
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