

Traffic Signal Optimization Using Cyclically Expanded Networks

14 years 13 days ago
Traffic Signal Optimization Using Cyclically Expanded Networks
Traditionally, the coordination of multiple traffic signals and the traffic assignment problem in an urban street network are considered as two separate optimization problems. However, it is easy to see that the traffic assignment has an influence on the optimal signal coordination and, vice versa, a change in the signal coordination changes the optimal traffic assignment. In this paper we present a cyclically time-expanded network and a corresponding mixed integer linear programming formulation for simultaneously optimizing both the coordination of traffic signals and the traffic assignment in an urban street network. Although the new cyclically time-expanded network provides a model of both traffic and signals close to reality, it still has the advantage of a linear objective function. Using this model we compute optimized signal coordinations and traffic assignment on real-world street networks. To evaluate the practical relevance of the computed solutions we conduct extensive simu...
Ekkehard Köhler, Martin Strehler
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Ekkehard Köhler, Martin Strehler
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