

Rex: A toolset for reproducing software experiments

13 years 10 months ago
Rex: A toolset for reproducing software experiments
Being able to reproduce experiments is the cornerstone of the scientific method. Software experiments are hard to reproduce even if identical hardware is available because external data sets could have changed, software used in the original experiment may be unavailable, or the input parameters for the experiment may not be documented. This paper presents Rex, a toolset that allows one to record an experiment and archive its apparatus, replay an experiment, conduct new experiments, and compare differences between experiments. The execution time overhead of recording ex
Somu Perianayagam, Gregory R. Andrews, John H. Har
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where BIBM
Authors Somu Perianayagam, Gregory R. Andrews, John H. Hartman
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