

Convex Games in Banach Spaces

14 years 28 days ago
Convex Games in Banach Spaces
We study the regret of an online learner playing a multi-round game in a Banach space B against an adversary that plays a convex function at each round. We characterize the minimax regret when the adversary plays linear functions in terms of the Martingale type of the dual of B. The cases when the adversary plays bounded and uniformly convex functions respectively are also considered. Our results connect online convex learning to the study of the geometry of Banach spaces. We also show that appropriate modifications of the Mirror Descent algorithm from convex optimization can be used to achieve our regret upper bounds. Finally, we provide a version of Mirror Descent that adapts to the changing exponent of uniform convexity of the adversary's functions. This adaptive mirror descent strategy provides new algorithms even for the more familiar Hilbert space case where the loss functions on each round have varying exponents of uniform convexity (curvature).
Karthik Sridharan, Ambuj Tewari
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where COLT
Authors Karthik Sridharan, Ambuj Tewari
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