

Mining Name Translations from Entity Graph Mapping

14 years 10 days ago
Mining Name Translations from Entity Graph Mapping
This paper studies the problem of mining entity translation, specifically, mining English and Chinese name pairs. Existing efforts can be categorized into (a) a transliterationbased approach leveraging phonetic similarity and (b) a corpus-based approach exploiting bilingual co-occurrences, each of which suffers from inaccuracy and scarcity respectively. In clear contrast, we use unleveraged resources of monolingual entity co-occurrences, crawled from entity search engines, represented as two entity-relationship graphs extracted from two language corpora respectively. Our problem is then abstracted as finding correct mappings across two graphs. To achieve this goal, we propose a holistic approach, of exploiting both transliteration similarity and monolingual co-occurrences. This approach, building upon monolingual corpora, complements existing corpus-based work, requiring scarce resources of parallel or comparable corpus, while significantly boosting the accuracy of transliteration-bas...
Gae-won You, Seung-won Hwang, Young-In Song, Long
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Gae-won You, Seung-won Hwang, Young-In Song, Long Jiang, Zaiqing Nie
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