

Trust Management for Encounter-Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

14 years 8 days ago
Trust Management for Encounter-Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks
: We propose and analyze a class of trust management protocols for encounter-based routing in delay tolerant networks (DTNs). The underlying idea is to incorporate trust evaluation in the routing protocol, considering not only quality-of-service (QoS) trust properties (connectivity) but also social trust properties (honesty and unselfishness) to evaluate other nodes encountered. Two versions of trust management protocols are considered: an equal-weight QoS and social trust management protocol (called trust-based routing) and a QoS only trust management protocol (called connectivity-based routing). By utilizing a stochastic Petri net model describing a DTN behavior, we analyze the performance characteristics of these two routing protocols in terms of message delivery ratio, latency, and message overhead. We also perform a comparative performance analysis with epidemic routing for a DTN consisting of heterogeneous mobile nodes with vastly different social and networking behaviors. The re...
Ing-Ray Chen, Fenye Bao, Moonjeong Chang, Jin-Hee
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Ing-Ray Chen, Fenye Bao, Moonjeong Chang, Jin-Hee Cho
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