

Equitable Energy Consumption during Repeated Transmissions in a Multihop Wireless Network

14 years 1 months ago
Equitable Energy Consumption during Repeated Transmissions in a Multihop Wireless Network
This paper addresses the issue of network life during repeated broadcasts originating from the same source in large, strip-shaped wireless sensor networks. The proposed technique would also apply to a unicast over a strip-shaped cooperative route within a network. The proposed medium access control (MAC)-free "alternating sets" transmission strategy is based on a very low-overhead form of cooperative diversity called the opportunistic large array (OLA). The proposed alternating OLA with transmission threshold (A-OLA-T) uses a received powerbased threshold to define mutually exclusive sets of nodes, such that the union of the sets includes all the nodes in the network or cooperative route during the initial broadcast. A-OLA-T alternates the set of cooperators (or OLAs) during successive transmissions to reduce the energy consumption and the duty cycles of nodes (measured in terms of the percentage time a node is on and transmitting), thereby avoiding the formation of "hot...
Aravind Kailas, Mary Ann Ingram
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Aravind Kailas, Mary Ann Ingram
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