

Towards Community Discovery in Signed Collaborative Interaction Networks

14 years 26 days ago
Towards Community Discovery in Signed Collaborative Interaction Networks
Abstract--We propose a framework for discovery of collaborative community structure in Wiki-based knowledge repositories based on raw-content generation analysis. We leverage topic modelling in order to capture agreement and opposition of contributors and analyze these multi-modal relations to map communities in the contributor base. The key steps of our approach include (i) modeling of pairwise variable-strength contributor interactions that can be both positive and negative, (ii) synthesis of a global network incorporating all pairwise interactions, and (iii) detection and analysis of community structure encoded in such networks. The global community discovery algorithm we propose outperforms existing alternatives in identifying coherent clusters according to objective optimality criteria. Analysis of the discovered community structure reveals coalitions of commoninterest editors who back each other in promoting some topics and collectively oppose other coalitions or single authors. ...
Petko Bogdanov, Nicholas D. Larusso, Ambuj K. Sing
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICDM
Authors Petko Bogdanov, Nicholas D. Larusso, Ambuj K. Singh
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