

Bit-plane stack filter algorithm for focal plane processors

14 years 17 days ago
Bit-plane stack filter algorithm for focal plane processors
This work presents a novel parallel technique to implement stack morphological filters for image processing. The method relies on applying the image bitwise decomposition to manipulate the grayscale image at a bit-plane level, while simple logical operations and Positive Boolean Functions (PBF's) are executed in parallel to derive the transformed bit-planes. The relationship between the bitwise and threshold decomposition is closely investigated and analysed, which lead us to derive an algorithm whose control flow is full binary encoded. Furthermore, the algorithm exhibits an interesting performance, which depends on the image histogram thanks to its hierarchical processing and the study of the relationship among binary decompositions.
Andrés Frias-Velazquez, Wilfried Philips
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICIP
Authors Andrés Frias-Velazquez, Wilfried Philips
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