

Sparse shapes prototype modeling using genetic algorithms

14 years 7 days ago
Sparse shapes prototype modeling using genetic algorithms
The process of finding representative shape patterns from sparse datasets is a challenging task: especially for non-rigid objects, shape deformations through time can produce very different sets of corners from frame to frame and a proper comparison of point features can be very difficult. Evaluating a multi-objective fitness function in a discrete voting space, partial similarities between deformable objects can be found and a correct data association can be performed. A genomic encoding of corner-based shapes is introduced and, taking advantage of a robust genetic-based search algorithm, sets of corners pertaining to objects of interest are mapped into common models. The most representative features are detected and used to evolve shape prototypes.
Stefano Maludrottu, Hany Sallam, Carlo S. Regazzon
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICIP
Authors Stefano Maludrottu, Hany Sallam, Carlo S. Regazzoni
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