

Stationary foreground detection using background subtraction and temporal difference in video surveillance

14 years 1 months ago
Stationary foreground detection using background subtraction and temporal difference in video surveillance
In this paper we describe a new algorithm focused on obtaining stationary foreground regions, which is useful for applications like the detection of abandoned/stolen objects and parked vehicles. Firstly, a sub-sampling scheme based on background subtraction techniques is implemented to obtain stationary foreground regions. Secondly, some modifications are introduced on this base algorithm with the purpose of reducing the amount of stationary foreground detected. Finally, we evaluate the proposed algorithm and compare results with the base algorithm using video surveillance sequences from PETS 2006, PETS 2007 and ILIDS for AVSS 2007 datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm increases the detection of stationary foreground regions as compared to the base algorithm.
Álvaro Bayona, Juan C. SanMiguel, Jos&eacut
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICIP
Authors Álvaro Bayona, Juan C. SanMiguel, José M. Martinez
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