

Acquiring shaking-free route panorama by stationary blurring

14 years 1 months ago
Acquiring shaking-free route panorama by stationary blurring
This work obtains shaking-free route panoramas from a vehicle borne camera. We detect the shaking and waving profile of the camera and rectify a long route panorama automatically for an ideal parallel-perspective projection. Different from the traditional flow based approach that works on entire frame by point tracking, we create a stationary blurred temporal image called condensed slice during the scene scanning. This image yields long and visible traces from distinct and distant features and horizontal features as the evidences of camera motion, and it diminishes other features irrelevant to the motion as well. We track traces in the condensed slice and rectify the route panorama at the sub-pixel level without shape analysis in video frames. The significance of the approach is in its effectiveness visually confirmable in the results, global rectification as the vehicle moves forward, and efficiency for real-time processing using the minimum data set.
Hongyuan Cai, Jiang Yu Zheng, Hiromi T. Tanaka
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICIP
Authors Hongyuan Cai, Jiang Yu Zheng, Hiromi T. Tanaka
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