As Si CMOS devices are scaled down into the nanoscale regime, current computer architecture approaches are reaching their practical limits. Future nano-architectures will confront devices and interconnections with a large number of inherent defects, which motivates the search for new architectural paradigms. In this paper, we examine probabilistic-based design methodologies for nanoscale computer architectures based on Markov random fields (MRF). The MRF approach can express arbitrary logic circuits and the logic operation is achieved by maximizing the probability of correct state configurations in the logic network depending on the interaction of neighboring circuit nodes. The computation proceeds via probabilistic propagation of states through the circuit. Crucially, the MRF logic can be implemented in modified CMOS-based circuitry that trades off circuit area and operation speed for the crucial fault tolerance and noise immunity. This paper builds on the recent demonstration that s...
Kundan Nepal, R. Iris Bahar, Joseph L. Mundy, Will