

Vlogcast yourself: nonverbal behavior and attention in social media

14 years 1 months ago
Vlogcast yourself: nonverbal behavior and attention in social media
We introduce vlogs as a type of rich human interaction which is multimodal in nature and suitable for new largescale behavioral data analysis. The automatic analysis of vlogs is useful not only to study social media, but also remote communication scenarios, and requires the integration of methods for multimodal processing and for social media understanding. Based on works from social psychology and computing, we first propose robust audio, visual, and multimodal cues to measure the nonverbal behavior of vloggers in their videos. Then, we investigate the relation between behavior and the attention videos receive in YouTube. Our study shows significant correlations between some nonverbal behavioral cues and the average number of views per video.
Joan-Isaac Biel, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICMI
Authors Joan-Isaac Biel, Daniel Gatica-Perez
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