

Ensembles of Neural Networks for Robust Reinforcement Learning

14 years 12 days ago
Ensembles of Neural Networks for Robust Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning algorithms that employ neural networks as function approximators have proven to be powerful tools for solving optimal control problems. However, their training and the validation of final policies can be cumbersome as neural networks can suffer from problems like local minima or overfitting. When using iterative methods, such as neural fitted Q-iteration, the problem becomes even more pronounced since the network has to be trained multiple times and the training process in one iteration builds on the network trained in the previous iteration. Therefore errors can accumulate. In this paper we propose to use ensembles of networks to make the learning process more robust and produce near-optimal policies more reliably. We name various ways of combining single networks to an ensemble that results in a final ensemble policy and show the potential of the approach using a benchmark application. Our experiments indicate that majority voting is superior to Q-averaging and...
Alexander Hans, Steffen Udluft
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Alexander Hans, Steffen Udluft
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