

Learning Autonomic Security Reconfiguration Policies

13 years 10 months ago
Learning Autonomic Security Reconfiguration Policies
Abstract--We explore the idea of applying machine learning techniques to automatically infer risk-adaptive policies to reconfigure a network security architecture when the context in which it operates changes. To illustrate our approach, we consider the case of a MANET where nodes carrying sensitive services (e.g., web servers, key repositories, etc.) should consider relocating themselves into a different node to guarantee proper functioning. We use simulation to derive properties from a candidate policy, and then apply Genetic Programming and Multi-Objective Optimisation techniques to search for optimal candidates. The inferred policies take the form of risk-aware service relocation algorithms that autonomously dictate when and how to relocate services with the aim of keeping risk to a minimum. Since security policies often have implications in dimensions other than security, we force the learning process to consider also the consequences (performance, usability) of a given policy.
Juan E. Tapiador, John A. Clark
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Juan E. Tapiador, John A. Clark
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