

Using web service gateways and code generation for sustainable IoT system development

13 years 10 months ago
Using web service gateways and code generation for sustainable IoT system development
Wireless Sensing and Radio Identification systems have undergone many innovations during the past years. This has led to short product lifetimes for both software and hardware compared to classical industries. However, especially industries dealing with long-term support of products, e.g. of industrial machinery, and product lifetime of 40+ years may especially profit from an Internet of Things. Motivated by a practical industrial servicing use case this paper shows how we hope to make equally sustainable IoT solutions by employing a model driven software development approach based on code generation for multi-protocol web service gateways.
Till Riedel, Nicolaie Fantana, Adrian Genaid, Dimi
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IOT
Authors Till Riedel, Nicolaie Fantana, Adrian Genaid, Dimitar Yordanov, Hedda Rahel Schmidtke, Michael Beigl
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