

Dynamic analysis of the relay cache-coherence protocol for distributed transactional memory

13 years 10 months ago
Dynamic analysis of the relay cache-coherence protocol for distributed transactional memory
Transactional memory is an alternative programming model for managing contention in accessing shared in-memory data objects. Distributed transactional memory (TM) promises to alleviate difficulties with lock-based (distributed) synchronization and object performance bottlenecks in distributed systems. In distributed TM systems, both the management and consistency of a distributed transactional object are ensured by a cache-coherence protocol. The Relay protocol is a cache-coherence protocol that operates on a fixed spanning tree. The protocol efficiently reduces the total number of abortions for a given set of transactions. We analyze the Relay protocol for a set of transactions which are dynamically generated in a given time period, and compare the protocol's time complexity against that of an optimal offline clairvoyant algorithm. We show that Relay is O(log D)-competitive, where D is the diameter of the spanning tree, for a set of transactions that request the same object, giv...
Bo Zhang, Binoy Ravindran
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IPPS
Authors Bo Zhang, Binoy Ravindran
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