

Tabling with Answer Subsumption: Implementation, Applications and Performance

13 years 10 months ago
Tabling with Answer Subsumption: Implementation, Applications and Performance
Tabled Logic Programming (TLP) is becoming widely available in Prolog systems, but most implementations of TLP implement only answer variance in which an answer A is added to the table for a subgoal S only if A is not a variant of any other answer already in the table for S. While TLP with answer variance is powerful enough to implement the well-founded semantics with good termination and complexity properties, TLP becomes much more powerful if a mechanism called answer subsumption is used. XSB implements two forms of answer subsumption. The first, partial order answer subsumption, adds A to a table only if A is greater than all other answers already in the table according to a user-defined partial order. The second, lattice answer subsumption, may join A to some other answer in the table according to a user-defined upper semi-lattice. Answer subsumption can be used to implement paraconsistent and quantitative abstract analysis domains, and preference logics. This paper discusses the s...
Terrance Swift, David Scott Warren
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Terrance Swift, David Scott Warren
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