

Variational Inference for Adaptor Grammars

14 years 5 days ago
Variational Inference for Adaptor Grammars
Adaptor grammars extend probabilistic context-free grammars to define prior distributions over trees with "rich get richer" dynamics. Inference for adaptor grammars seeks to find parse trees for raw text. This paper describes a variational inference algorithm for adaptor grammars, providing an alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. To derive this method, we develop a stick-breaking representation of adaptor grammars, a representation that enables us to define adaptor grammars with recursion. We report experimental results on a word segmentation task, showing that variational inference performs comparably to MCMC. Further, we show a significant speed-up when parallelizing the algorithm. Finally, we report promising results for a new application for adaptor grammars, dependency grammar induction.
Shay B. Cohen, David M. Blei, Noah A. Smith
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Shay B. Cohen, David M. Blei, Noah A. Smith
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