

Formatting Time-Aligned ASR Transcripts for Readability

13 years 10 months ago
Formatting Time-Aligned ASR Transcripts for Readability
We address the problem of formatting the output of an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system for readability, while preserving wordlevel timing information of the transcript. Our system enriches the ASR transcript with punctuation, capitalization and properly written dates, times and other numeric entities, and our approach can be applied to other formatting tasks. The method we describe combines hand-crafted grammars with a class-based language model trained on written text and relies on Weighted Finite State Transducers (WFSTs) for the preservation of start and end time of each word.
Maria Shugrina
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Maria Shugrina
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