

Precise complexity analysis for efficient datalog queries

14 years 9 days ago
Precise complexity analysis for efficient datalog queries
Given a set of Datalog rules, facts, and a query, answers to the query can be inferred bottom-up starting with the facts or top-down starting with the query. For efficiently answering the query, topdown evaluation is extended with tabling that stores the results of the subqueries encountered, and bottom-up evaluation is done on rules transformed based on demand from the query. This paper describes precise time and space complexity analysis for efficiently answering Datalog queries, and precise relationships between top-down evaluation with tabling and bottom-up evaluation driven by demand. We first present a systematic method for precisely calculating the worst-case time and space complexities of top-down evaluation with tabling. We then describe a method for transforming the rules for efficiently answering queries using bottom-up evaluation of the transformed rules; the method is akin to the magic set transformation, but is simpler and produces simpler rules that yield exponentially ...
K. Tuncay Tekle, Yanhong A. Liu
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PPDP
Authors K. Tuncay Tekle, Yanhong A. Liu
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