

A Robust Push-To-Talk Service for Wireless Mesh Networks

14 years 1 months ago
A Robust Push-To-Talk Service for Wireless Mesh Networks
Push-to-Talk (PTT) is a useful capability for rapidly deployable wireless mesh networks used by first responders. PTT allows several users to speak with each other while using a single, half-duplex, communication channel, such that only one user speaks at a time while all other users listen. This paper presents the architecture and protocol of a robust distributed PTT service for wireless mesh networks. The architecture supports any 802.11 client with SIP-based (Session Initiation Protocol) VoIP software and enables the participation of regular phones. Collectively, the mesh nodes provide the illusion of a single third party call controller, enabling clients to participate via any reachable mesh node. Each PTT group instantiates its own logical floor control manager that is highly available and resilient to mesh connectivity changes such as node crashes and recoveries and network partitions and merges. Experimental results on a fully deployed mesh network consisting of 14 mesh nodes an...
Yair Amir, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Yair Amir, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
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