

Development of Communication Model for Social Robots Based on Mobile Service

14 years 12 days ago
Development of Communication Model for Social Robots Based on Mobile Service
This paper describes an interactive social agent platform which examines anthropomorphic robot features in the mobile phone usage context. Our system is smart phone based robot agent that operates on a mobile network and co-located adhoc networks. It helps remote users communicate interactively with each other through the robotic interface which utilizes facial expressions and body gestures. In this paper, we introduce the mobile environment as a service platform for social robots, and discuss design considerations for such a communication system. Then we illustrate the development of our system followed by its network protocols built on existing mobile services such as Telephony and Short Messaging Service (SMS). Usage scenarios and working prototypes of the implemented system are also presented. We are hopeful that our research will open a new discussion on socially interactive robot platforms, and thus, that such efforts will enrich the telecommunication and personal robot services ...
Ji-Dong Yim, Sungkuk Chun, Keechul Jung, Christoph
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Ji-Dong Yim, Sungkuk Chun, Keechul Jung, Christopher D. Shaw
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