

SCiFI - A System for Secure Face Identification

13 years 11 months ago
SCiFI - A System for Secure Face Identification
Abstract--We introduce SCiFI, a system for Secure Computation of Face Identification. The system performs face identification which compares faces of subjects with a database of registered faces. The identification is done in a secure way which protects both the privacy of the subjects and the confidentiality of the database. A specific application of SCiFI is reducing the privacy impact of camera based surveillance. In that scenario, SCiFI would be used in a setting which contains a server which has a set of faces of suspects, and client machines which might be cameras acquiring images in public places. The system runs a secure computation of a face recognition algorithm, which identifies if an image acquired by a client matches one of the suspects, but otherwise reveals no information to neither of the parties. Our work includes multiple contributions in different areas:
Margarita Osadchy, Benny Pinkas, Ayman Jarrous, Bo
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SP
Authors Margarita Osadchy, Benny Pinkas, Ayman Jarrous, Boaz Moskovich
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