

ASSERT: A Wireless Networking Testbed

14 years 1 months ago
ASSERT: A Wireless Networking Testbed
Abstract. As wireless networks become a critical part of home, business and industrial infrastructure, researchers will meet these demands by providing new networking technologies. However, these technologies must be tested before they can be released for mainstream use. We identify the key design considerations for a wireless networking testbed as a) accuracy b) controllability c) mobility d) repeatability e) cost effectiveness f) data collection g) resource sharing h) multi-nodal capability i) scalability. In this paper we portray how we have used coaxial cables and our custom hardware of RF switches and programmable attenuators to create Advanced wireleSS Enviroment Research Testbed (ASSERT), addressing the above requirements. The created network is immune to interference from other wireless networks, and can emulate mobility and link deterioration. ASSERT supports various types of wireless devices, providing researchers in academia as well as industry with the necessary experimenta...
Ehsan Nourbakhsh, Jeff Dix, Paul Johnson, T. Ryan
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Ehsan Nourbakhsh, Jeff Dix, Paul Johnson, T. Ryan Burchfield, S. Venkatesan, Neeraj Mittal, Ravi Prakash
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