

Towards a Virtualized Sensing Environment

14 years 1 months ago
Towards a Virtualized Sensing Environment
Abstract. While deploying a sensor network is necessary for proofof-concept experimentation, it is a time-consuming and tedious task that dramatically slows innovation. Treating sensor networks as shared testbeds and integrating them into a federated testbed infrastructure, such as FIRE, GENI, AKARI, or CNGI, enables a broad user community to benefit from time-consuming deployment exercises. In this paper, we outline the challenges with integrating sensor networks into federated testbeds in the context of ViSE, a sensor network testbed we have integrated with GENI, and describe our initial deployment experiences. ViSE differs from typical embedded sensor networks in its focus on highbandwidth steerable sensors. Key words: Testbed, Sensor Network, Federation, Radar.
David Irwin, Navin Sharma, Prashant J. Shenoy, Mic
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors David Irwin, Navin Sharma, Prashant J. Shenoy, Michael Zink
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