

The Impact of Fading on the Outage Probability in Cognitive Radio Networks

14 years 9 days ago
The Impact of Fading on the Outage Probability in Cognitive Radio Networks
Abstract--This paper analyzes the outage probability in cognitive radio networks, based on the Poisson point process model of node spatial distribution and the standard propagation path loss model, including Rayleigh and log-normal fading. To make the analysis tractable, all possible scenarios are classified into three cases based on typical outage events. When the average number of nodes in the forbidden region is much smaller than unity, the aggregate interference can be well approximated by the nearest node for both non-fading and fading scenarios (the nearest node dominates the outage performance). When the average number of nodes in the forbidden region is greater than unity, the aggregate interference can be well approximated by a Gaussian random variable for non-fading scenario (many nodes contribute to outage events, rather than a single dominant one). This approximation also applies to the fading scenario, but its accuracy is a bit worse at the transition region. An alternativ...
Yaobin Wen, Sergey Loyka, Abbas Yongaçoglu
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where VTC
Authors Yaobin Wen, Sergey Loyka, Abbas Yongaçoglu
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