

Relativizing Concept Descriptions to Comparison Classes

14 years 16 days ago
Relativizing Concept Descriptions to Comparison Classes
Context-sensitivity has been for long a subject of study in linguistics, logic and computer science. Recently the problem of representing and reasoning with contextual knowledge has been brought up in the research on the Semantic Web. In this paper we introduce a conservative extension to the Description Logic ALC which supports representation of ontologies containing relative terms, such as `big' or `tall', whose meaning depends on the reference to a particular comparison class (context). We specify the syntax and semantics of the language and present a sound and complete tableau decision procedure.
Szymon Klarman, Stefan Schlobach
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where DLOG
Authors Szymon Klarman, Stefan Schlobach
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