

Matching Reviews to Objects using a Language Model

13 years 10 months ago
Matching Reviews to Objects using a Language Model
We develop a general method to match unstructured text reviews to a structured list of objects. For this, we propose a language model for generating reviews that incorporates a description of objects and a generic review language model. This mixture model gives us a principled method to find, given a review, the object most likely to be the topic of the review. Extensive experiments and analysis on reviews from Yelp show that our language model-based method vastly outperforms traditional tfidf-based methods.
Nilesh N. Dalvi, Ravi Kumar, Bo Pang, Andrew Tomki
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Nilesh N. Dalvi, Ravi Kumar, Bo Pang, Andrew Tomkins
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