

Transparently Gathering Provenance with Provenance Aware Condor

13 years 10 months ago
Transparently Gathering Provenance with Provenance Aware Condor
We observed that the Condor batch execution system exposes a lot of information about the jobs that run in the system. This observation led us to explore whether this system information could be used for provenance. The result of our explorations is Provenance Aware Condor (PAC), a system that transparently gathers provenance while jobs run in Condor. Transparent provenance gathering requires that the application not be altered in order to run in the provenance system. This requirement allows any application that can run in Condor to also run in PAC. Through SQL queries, PAC is able to answer a wide range of questions about the files used by a job and the machines that execute jobs.
Christine F. Reilly, Jeffrey F. Naughton
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where FAST
Authors Christine F. Reilly, Jeffrey F. Naughton
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