

Test your Strategy - Intuitive Strategy Definition and Evaluation for Novices and Experts

14 years 23 days ago
Test your Strategy - Intuitive Strategy Definition and Evaluation for Novices and Experts
: ConnectIT uses a graphical representation to express strategies for playing the connect-four game. With this tool we can transfer complex knowledge about the connect-four game itself, simple algorithmic concepts and modern high-level componentbased modeling techniques from theoretical grounds into an inspiring and practical learning experience. We proved the adequacy of this approach in several projects with school pupils who had no experience in computer science. Solely based on intuition and knowledge about the game, they were able to build really competitive strategies. ConnectIT's intuitive approach to strategy formulation and enactment could be an asset when applied to serious games, e.g. in business and management.
Sven Jörges, Marco Bakera, Tiziana Margaria,
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where GI
Authors Sven Jörges, Marco Bakera, Tiziana Margaria, Christoph Lattemann
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