

Minimum-Length Scheduling for Multicast Traffic under Channel Uncertainty

14 years 27 days ago
Minimum-Length Scheduling for Multicast Traffic under Channel Uncertainty
Abstract--We consider a set of multicast sources, each multicasting a finite amount of data to its corresponding destinations. The objective is to minimize the time to deliver all traffic, i.e., to obtain schedules of minimum length. We consider timevarying wireless networks with imperfect side information at the sources. We model the minimum-length scheduling problem through partially observable stochastic shortest paths and provide an optimal solution. Due to the high complexity of computing the optimal solution, we finally provide a set of heuristics and illustrate their performance through numerical experiments.
Anna Pantelidou, Anthony Ephremides
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Anna Pantelidou, Anthony Ephremides
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