

Systematicity and Idiosyncrasy in Iconic Gesture Use: Empirical Analysis and Computational Modeling

14 years 6 days ago
Systematicity and Idiosyncrasy in Iconic Gesture Use: Empirical Analysis and Computational Modeling
Abstract. Why an iconic gesture takes its particular form is a largely open question, given the variations one finds across both situations and speakers. We present results of an empirical study that analyzes correlations between contextual factors (referent features, discourse) and gesture features, and tests whether they are systematic (shared among speakers) or idiosyncratic (inter-individually different). Based on this, a computational model of gesture formation is presented that combines data-based, probabilistic and model-based decision making. Key words: Iconic gesture, meaning-form mapping, systematicity, idiosyncrasy
Kirsten Bergmann, Stefan Kopp
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where GW
Authors Kirsten Bergmann, Stefan Kopp
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