

Statistical Gesture Models for 3D Motion Capture from a Library of Gestures with Variants

13 years 10 months ago
Statistical Gesture Models for 3D Motion Capture from a Library of Gestures with Variants
A challenge for 3D motion capture by monocular vision is 3D-2D projection ambiguities that may bring incorrect poses during tracking. In this paper, we propose improving 3D motion capture by learning human gesture models from a library of gestures with variants. This library has been created with virtual human animations. Gestures are described as Gaussian Process Dynamic Models (GPDM) and are used as constraints for motion tracking. Given the raw input poses from the tracker, the gesture model helps to correct ambiguous poses. The benefit of the proposed method is demonstrated with results.
Zhenbo Li, Patrick Horain, André-Marie Pez,
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where GW
Authors Zhenbo Li, Patrick Horain, André-Marie Pez, Catherine Pelachaud
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