

Developing, Deploying and Assessing Usage of a Movie Archive System among Students of Film Studies

14 years 27 days ago
Developing, Deploying and Assessing Usage of a Movie Archive System among Students of Film Studies
This paper describes our work in developing a movie browser application for students of Film Studies at our University. The aim of our work is to address the issues that arise when applying conventional user-centered design techniques from the usability engineering field to build a usable application when the system incorporates novel multimedia tools that could be potentially useful to the end-users but have not yet been practiced or deployed. We developed a webbased system that incorporates features as identified from the students and those features from our novel video analysis tools, including scene detection and classification. We deployed the system, monitored usage and gathered quantitative and qualitative data. Our findings show those expected patterns and highlighted issues that need to be further investigated in a novel application development. A mismatch between the users' wishes at the interviews and their actual usage was noted. In general, students found most of the ...
Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Alan F. Smeaton, Hyowon Lee,
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where HCI
Authors Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Alan F. Smeaton, Hyowon Lee, Pat Brereton
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