

COBRA - A Visualization Solution to Monitor and Analyze Consumer Generated Medias

14 years 18 days ago
COBRA - A Visualization Solution to Monitor and Analyze Consumer Generated Medias
Consumer Generated Medias (CGMs) -- such as blogs, news forums, message boards, and web pages -- are emerging as locations where consumers trade, discuss and influence each other's purchasing patterns. Leveraging such CGMs to provide valuable insight into consumer opinions and trends is becoming increasingly attractive to corporations. This paper describes COBRA (COrporate Brand and Reputation Analysis), a visual analytics solution that surfaces the text mining and statistical analysis capabilities described in our earlier COBRA papers. Our interaction technique of search, visualization, and monitor enables detailed analysis of many CGMs without overwhelming the user. A suite of visualization solutions expose a variety of embedded COBRA visual analytics capabilities. Real world client engagements and user studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Amit Behal, Julia Grace, Linda Kato, Ying Chen, Sh
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where HCI
Authors Amit Behal, Julia Grace, Linda Kato, Ying Chen, Shixia Liu, Weijia Cai, Weihong Qian
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